Patient Reviews

“It’s definitely a game changer for me and I still can’t believe I have better than 20/20 vision!”

Jamz Supernova

DJ & Radio Host, Laser Eye Surgery Patient
March 2019

Jamz is an international DJ and radio host, boasting her own show on Radio 1 Xtra. Her passion is, and always has been, music since she first hit the decks aged 10. However, she’s struggled with poor vision leading her to recently receiving laser eye treatment at Optical Express.

“I had thought about having laser eye surgery for a long time,” Jamz said. “I started knowing friends and peers around me who were having it done and said the results were amazing.”

Jamz started wearing contact lenses at just 14 years old. “At first I only wore them to play football but then wanted to wear them every day. I wore contacts for the best part of 14 years. I was over it by this point. Little things like going on a holiday, swimming in the sea, the fear of being out in a nightclub and a contact lens popping out. Towards the end, contacts definitely became a big hassle for me and I was sick of wearing them.”

It was at this point Jamz booked her surgery for a months’ time. She told everyone about her upcoming treatment and says, “It was like a birthday party, everyone knew Jamz was going to get laser eye surgery!”

When it came to her treatment day, Jamz couldn’t believe that it was actually happening. “It was so quick! It’s literally 15 minutes. I sat back up and they told me my eyesight would be a little bit blurry, so be careful. I thought to myself, if this is blurry, I am cool with this; it was the best I’d been able to see since I can remember! That to me was ‘wow’ at how instant it was.”

Since her treatment, Jamz has noticed the little things that make laser eye surgery life-changing, such as watching the TV without getting tired and dry eyes, and being able to read before bed easily. She’s also able to have a laugh with her boyfriend first thing. 

“Sometimes in the morning my boyfriend would ask me to look at something on his phone and I’d say ‘I haven’t got my eyes in! I can’t see anything.’ So being able to have a conversation and joke with him first thing in the morning is really nice. Also, not having to guess my way to the bathroom and the kitchen!”

What would Jamz say to someone considering laser eye surgery? “If you are like me suffering with your eyesight and feel insecure and worried about how bad it will get, I would definitely recommend just going to speak to Optical Express. That’s the first thing – until you go and have the consultation and you realise it’s that easy. Yes it is!”

Jamz’s feeling upbeat about the effect laser eye surgery has had on her life. “It’s definitely a game changer for me and I still can’t believe I have better than 20|20 vision!”

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